Saturday, March 10, 2018

Delicious And Healthy Hot Carob

Have you ever wished for a healthier option to hot chocolate that's actually good for you?  Well this hot carob drink comes really close to the real thing, but is low in sugar, rich in calcium, and a host of other health benefits.

This recipe is so easy and simple... 
A perfect way to complement any cold wintry day!

Hot Cozy Carob Drink

1T. Carob Powder
1/8 c. Dry milk powder
1-3 t. Sucanut powder
8 oz. Hot water
1\2-1 t. Vanilla

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Michigan Winter Wonderland

Today finds us snowed in and enjoying a picturesque view from the kitchen.  The snowflakes are so pretty and abnormally big today!!! Some look to be 2" in diameter... I tried to capture how large they are, but you really can't catch the full beauty on camera. This was the best I could do...

The weatherman (brother Dallas:)) says we are in for several beautiful inches!!! No, I don't care for slushy, snowy weather, but the Bible does remind us in Job to look for the treasures in the snow...

Maybe like a great opportunity to enjoy indoor skills and catch up on those kinds of projects, right?! :)

One thing about snow is that it's always pure white... It's hard to believe that we can so easily despise something so beautiful, when we look at it from our small sighted perspective sometimes.
It reminds me of God's plans for us... Remember they are always beautiful!

Posted by Priscilla

Happy New Year 2019!!!!

New Year blessings to everyone!!!  Please forgive my tardiness. I have had a great summer last year, seeing God's hand at work in our fa...